-ECO - light oil burners, compact, with low noise level. Provide high combustion efficiency and environmental protection.
-Main characteristics of Lamborghini ECO diesel burners:.
-Easy access for urgent maintenance.
-Automatic air cut-off for energy saving.
-Fine adjustment of the amount of air to ensure efficient combustion from the moment of ignition.
-Low CO and NOx emissions.
-Air flow regulation by fan and burner head to ensure an optimal air flow / pressure ratio.
-Lamborghini ECO / 2 two stage diesel burners - compact, low noise, ideal for medium power installations.
-Main characteristics of Lamborghini ECO / 2 two-stage diesel burners:.
-Two nozzles, reduced fuel consumption during ignition and two flame levels (high / low).
-Electric servo air flow controller with automatic air cut-off for energy saving.
-Low CO and NOx emissions.
-Stable ventilation for efficient combustion from the moment of ignition.