-This series of air-water heat pumps meets the needs of winter and summer air conditioning of residential and commercial installations of medium power.
-All units are suitable for outdoor installation and being able to produce water up to 60°C may be employed in systems with radiant floor, fancoils, radiators and for the indirect production of domestic hot water (DHW) via an external boiler (not provided).
-The units are characterized by the use of a DC inverter compressor that allows you to modulate the capacity from 30 to 120% of the rated capacity and are complete with a hydronic kit including all the essential components for a quick and safe installation.
-The units are characterized by high energy efficiency and low noise level and they can be used as the sole generator of the system or integrated with other energy sources such as backup electric heaters or boiler.
-All units are supplied with temperature probe (supplied as standard, assembled by the installer) for domestic hot water tank (DHW) and with external air temperature probe (already installed on the unit) to realize the climatic control in heating and cooling modes.
-All the units are accurately built and individually tested in the factory. The installation only requires the electrical and hydraulic connections.