Remote electronic controller THERMO EBM


New Remote electronic controller THERMO EBM

-Electronic control panel for managing boilers (including models with modulating burners) and distribution systems for central heating, domestic hot water production, also in combination with solar heating systems and solid fuel-fired generators.


-Can be combined with single-stage, two-stage or modulating burners.

-Temperature compensation function with outside probe (optional).

-Management of systems with direct or mixed outlet.

-Management of domestic hot water production with hot water storage and Legionella protection function.

-Management via bus of cascaded boilers.

-Daily or weekly central heating and domestic hot water program.

-Easy programming even for less expert users.

-Boiler and system protection functions.

-Diagnostics on burner and system device operation.

-As standard the kit includes the central heating flow outlet and return inlet probes.